“For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139: 13 – 14
We believe that God made each of us in God’s image. This is a mystery we celebrate in our Special Needs ministry as we seek to build relationships and worship with our friends with cognitive disabilities. We know that for some, a cognitive disability can make attending church feel like a difficult burden, or raise fears that they might not fit in.
The vision of our ministry is to be a community where individuals with cognitive disabilities, their families, and their friends experience mutually-loving Christian fellowship, Christ-centered teaching, and meaningful service in an accessible and relatable way.
The mission of our ministry is to provide individuals with cognitive disabilities opportunities for spiritual and emotional sharing to develop their relationships with God, the church, and each other; to support families and friends of those individuals through mutual understanding and connection; and, to invite the church to know and be known by the individuals, their families, and their friends.
We gather together 3 times each month. We have a Sunday class on two Sundays between services (10:30 – 11:15am) and a Pizza Party/Service Project on the other Sunday. We welcome you to join us! Please contact Deacon Wes Williams for more information. Or, to receive an updated schedule of classes and events, email Judy.
Meet James, a special needs young adult who makes Ascension home:
Contact for Special Needs Ministry:
Wes Williams