Children & Youth

“From the mouths of children and infants You have ordained praise”  – Matthew 21:16

At Ascension, kids are welcomed and loved!  We believe that all ages are a vital part of our church family.  Children and youth are encouraged to participate in our worship, community, and in age-appropriate programming focused on their formation and discipleship.

What children and parents can expect on Sundays

We open our nursery (rooms 101 and 102) 15 minutes prior to the beginning of each service for younger children (Infant – 3 years).  Older children begin with their parents in the service. After the children’s talk the teaching team will escort ages 4 years – 5th grade to the Minnie Smith Education Wing for Kids’ Church. All children will return to their parents during the time we pass the peace for communion.

Please know parents are welcome in the nursery and Kids’ Church at any time. All of our caregivers have mandated clearances and trainings. Additionally, our security team pays close attention to the education wing during Kids’ Church. Children are also welcome to remain in the service. We provide activity bins for your children to use which can be found at the back of the Nave. To learn more about children’s ministry please email Catherine, Director of Children’s Ministry.

Throughout the pandemic we had a lot of fun producing videos for Ascension kids. All of the videos can be found on the Kids’ Church Playlist on Ascension’s YouTube channel or take a look below!

Youth (CAYG)

Our desire for CAYG (Church of the Ascension Youth Group) is that it would be a place where middle and high school students can have fun and learn what it means to follow Jesus. 

All grades meet Sunday evenings from 6:00-8:30pm at the Church. 

Each Sunday night we gather, discuss God’s Word, get to know each other in small groups, and play! 

For more information or to sign up for the CAYG weekly email, fill out the connect form below.

Contact for Children’s Ministry:
Catherine Slocum

Contacts for Youth Ministry:
Josh Bennett and Wes Williams